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Posts tagged ‘menopause’

Aging – Women’s Health

There are 12 things that women should know about their health and aging. These things include the health issues that may affect them and things they can do to stay healthy.

1. Heart disease – Women over 55 have more chance of having a heart attack than younger women. The symptoms of a heart attack for women can be quite different than with men. In a study, the most commonly reported symptoms were not chest pain or discomfort but fatigue, interrupted sleep, and shortness of breath. In many cases, women experienced these symptoms for as long as a month before actually having the heart attack.
2. Cancer – Older women must face the elevated chances of cervical, colon and breast cancer.
3. Stroke – It is proven that more women than men have strokes.
4. Injuries – Caused by falling.
5. Failing vision can often affects seniors, women or men. Vision tests and tests for glaucoma should be done every year.
6. Consequences of menopause like osteoporosis. The loss of hormones because of menopause can start to affect the bones around age 50. Senior women should continue to take Calcium with vitamin D to help prevent the onset of this degenerative bone disease.
7. Disabilities – The rate of disabilities in women is higher than in men because women with disabilities tend to live longer than a man with similar afflictions.
8. Senior women can lower the chances of becoming disabled by taking good care of their bodies with healthy diets, staying physically active and exercise regularly, controlling stress, and making regular visits to the doctor.
9. Senior women may have a lower income level than men. They may not have spent as much time working because of raising a family and all too often women make less money than men. This makes planning for financial future very important for senior women.
10. There are disparities in health for older women who are minorities. While they face the same health problems, their overall health is often not as good and they may not have as may health services available to them.
11. Good nutrition is vital for good health, especially in the later years. A diet that has lots of vegetables and fruit and fewer fats and processed food are recommended.
12. Keep a healthy weight. This can be done by following a healthy diet and getting regular exercises. Weight bearing exercises like walking will also help keep osteoporosis at bay.

These include:

  • Pap tests to check for cervical cancer.
  • Mammograms that look for unusual lumps are masses in the breasts. It is very important for women over 50 to have one once a year.
  • Either a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy to look for polyps that may be responsible for colon cancer.
  • Bone density screenings to test the strength of the bones.

Menopause can dry up your eyes

(The Philippine Star, July 24, 2012, Pg. D-2)Manila, Philippines – If something isn’t right with your body, chances are it’s reflected in your eyes. Experts have long known that our eyes are more than windows to the soul, they are also windows to one’s health condition. In fact, the eyes can reveal certain health problems that we are often unaware of.
One example is the presence of dry eyes among older women. Ranging from mild to severe, this condition affects around 60 percent of women undergoing menopause — and they are usually unaware of any connection between the two. That’s because menopause is known to be associated with mood swings, vaginal dryness, fatigue, hot flashes, and other signs — except dry eyes.
Hormonal changes associated with menopause may lead to decreased tear production that is at the root of the dry eye condition. Tears protect and lubricate the eyes, making them function properly. If left untreated, this dryness may leave the eyes susceptible to increased risk of infection. The cornea can develop ulcers or become scarred, leading to serious visual impairment. Common symptoms of dry eyes include a scratchy or gritty feeling, sensitivity to light or fluctuating vision.
Menopausal or otherwise, those who are affected by the dry eyes syndrome should consult an eye expert immediately. Eye-care professionals like the EyeMDs at American Eye Center can properly evaluate the condition of your eyes and discuss treatment options. These range from the use of artificial tears or gels and anti-inflammatory drops, to supplements that contain omega-3 fatty acids.
American Eye Center has a highly qualified team of doctors trained in various subspecialties, so you can be sure to receive thorough diagnosis on whatever eye condition you may have. Moreover, since its establishment in 1995, American Eye Center has been known for breaking new ground in ophthalmic care, as it continues to drive technological innovations to complement its doctors’ competence with the world’s most advanced surgical procedures that ensure consistent speed, safety, and precision.

Image Source: Steady Health